First-Class functions: Functions are “first-class” objects. The “first-class” means that something has a value: var name = “Leo”; “First-Class Functions” mean that you can STORE functions into a variable: var subName = function(a,b){ return name + a + b };Read more…
My bash_profile setup
##TIP: If you’re running a Mac, most likely you are, and you’re using Terminal, stop it. Right now. Just close it, remove the shortcuts and do yourself a favour, and install iTerm2. Future you will thank both you and me.Read more…
The typeof null and isObject() short story
null is a primitive but typeof(null) return “object” Reason? In short: it is bug in ECMAScript, and the type should be null. This is a official mistake in the language, carefully kept from 90’s for compatibility. Examples:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 |
typeof null // object typeof undefined // undefined typeof Boolean // Boolean typeof Number // number typeof String // string typeof Object // object typeof NaN // number typeof true // boolean typeof [] // object typeof new Date // object typeof new String(“test”) // object |
How weRead more…
Notes about AngularJS Migrate from 1.2 to ~1.5 – The process
AngularJS: Migration process Bitacora
1 2 |
First Step 1.2 -> 1.3 |
We are considering migrate from AJS 1.2.4 to 1.4.7 or 1.4.8, main reason of 1.4+ is because I found it 1.4+ is the most popular and stable these days, and based on the time ofRead more…
Upgrade to NodeJS 4, the easy steps
NODE INSTALL/UPDATE: Download 4.2.1 from Node.js it will be at:
1 |
/usr/local/bin/node |
npm :
1 |
/usr/local/bin/npm |
Make sure that /usr/local/bin is in your $PATH using:
1 |
node -v |
1 |
sudo npm install nw -g |
1 2 |
sudo npm update cordova -g cordova -v |
—=-=- Validate build execution (if this apply on yourRead more…
Notes about AngularJS Migrate from 1.2 to 1.4
AngularJS: Migration process Bitacora First Step 1.2 -> 1.3 I was considering migrate from AJS 1.2.4 to 1.4.0, reason 1.4 is because I found it the most popular and stable this days, but it could potentially be 1.4.5 or evenRead more…
Responsive Web Design Grids without frameworks
Responsive Web Grids This is a short compendium of RWD Grids, I want to thanks to Nick Salloum (sitepoint) how started with this. Now I want to take that and continue including new ways to implement it. So that canRead more…
3-way-data-binding using AngularJS, Yeoman, FirebasedB using AngularFire
We are going to set-up step-by-step and out of the box Bootstrap and some AngularJS recommended modules, AngularFire and Firebase Simple Login and quickly view how to use 3-way-data-binding: YeomanJS Yeoman helps us to kickstart new projects, prescribing bestRead more…
Responsive TV
The TV The Responsive was a little bit out of the “TV world” during the past, last year the 4K resolution TV or 4K Ultra the ‘four times HD’ TV, 3D TV, smartTV and curveTV were release in UK, and consideringRead more…
MVVM, MVC and MV* design pattern
What MVC is about? MVC is about discipline. MVC is about separation of concerns. MVC is about modularisation. MVC is about write tidy code. MVC is about test. We want the “discipline” of the “separation of concerns” from the MVC pattern. This facilitates modularisationRead more…