We are going to set-up step-by-step and out of the box Bootstrap and some AngularJS recommended modules, AngularFire and Firebase Simple Login and quickly view how to use 3-way-data-binding: YeomanJS Yeoman helps us to kickstart new projects, prescribing bestRead more…
jQuery plugin compendium
http://www.unheap.com http://plugins.jquery.com http://www.jsdb.io http://microjs.com http://www.jqueryrain.com Do I missing something? Yes, for sure!. Please send me your links to: developer@leolanese.com
You may not be ready for this yet, but your kids are gonna love it
The number of devices connected to the web is out of control. Sometimes companies don’t get the real view of the problem: Everything is “connected” or it will be. Everyone gets connected and If you don’t have your website enabledRead more…
Testing the CSS: getComputedStyle
I’m planning to get external fixtures more than inline fixtures, and test it using the getComputedStyle CSS properties values. Can I use: getComputedStyle getComputedStyle capability test TO TEST DEMO http://jsfiddle.net/leolanese/xf6Jm/ Real Responsive Web Design example using getPropertyValue() function getPropertyValue Example:Read more…
SpainJS Conference – JULY 5-6, 2013 MADRID
A SUMMER JAVASCRIPT CONFERENCE Speakers: – Douglas Crockford, Senior JavaScript Architect, www.crockford.com – Leo Lanese, @leolaneseltd, www.leolanese.com – Giorgo Sardo @gisardo, Director in the Technical Evangelism & Development group at Microsoft Corp, http://blogs.msdn.com/b/giorgio/ – Axel Rauschmayer @rauschma, Specialized in JavaScriptRead more…
Immediately-Invoked Function Expression Pattern (IIFE)
What is an “Immediately-Invoked Function Expression” (IIFE)? is a JavaScript design pattern which produces a lexical scope using JavaScript’s function scoping. “Immediately-invoked function” expressions can be used to avoid variable hoisting from within blocks, protect against polluting the global environmentRead more…
The way of the Front-end developer: My tiny story
The Front-end development: I used to be a back-end developer working with Java and PHP last 10 years (I still remember that boring purple color from PHP website), :P. I was looking for something else, something to get exited to do.Read more…
Vanilla Responsive Web Design Framework
Be Responsive: a vanilla responsive web design grid About the vanilla responsive grid This is Vanilla. No js (unless required). Mainly inspired by 320 and UP Mobile First Framework View DEMO Demo : Let’s rock Want to use it?Read more…
What can a Mobile Framework do for you?
What is a framework? Framework is a library of pre-written javaScript controls, functions and methods that make it easier for the developer to quickly and accurately produce cross browser compliant code. In the mobile industry like in desktop, there areRead more…