The number of devices connected to the web is out of control. Sometimes companies don’t get the real view of the problem: Everything is “connected” or it will be. Everyone gets connected and If you don’t have your website enabledRead more…
SpainJS Conference – JULY 5-6, 2013 MADRID
A SUMMER JAVASCRIPT CONFERENCE Speakers: – Douglas Crockford, Senior JavaScript Architect, – Leo Lanese, @leolaneseltd, – Giorgo Sardo @gisardo, Director in the Technical Evangelism & Development group at Microsoft Corp, – Axel Rauschmayer @rauschma, Specialized in JavaScriptRead more…
A simple fresh reset
A quick Responsive Web Design reset: (updated 18/09/2013) All default HTML elements have a default CSS attributes. Sometimes these attributes cause common problems when creating the site thinking about cross-browser (to visualize “correctly” in all browsers). Sometimes the only solution isRead more…
My notes about @brad_frost workshop: “Reasons to be Responsive”
Reasons to be Responsive LONDON – JUNE 3rd, 2013 A reason to be Responsive is a full-day workshop with Brad Frost (@brad_frost). Brad will take a deep dive into the world of responsive web design, covering broad concepts, strategy designRead more…
It’s not pixel-perfect it’s proportion-perfect
Going beyond simple pixel-width conditions: I’m making this post in response to the @brad_frost article: The post-psd era In the past designers sold websites like pieces of art, but they are more than that. These are software engineering masterpieces, not justRead more…