The CSS preprocessors has evolved a lot over the past few years. One of the major “problems” that people and I have regarding preprocessors is the inability to see where your CSS rules come from when inspecting elements with developerRead more…
RWD fluid typography without js or preprocessors
RWD Typography I have been working in another interesting Responsive Web Design and Mobile First challenge where the client required to create a fluid font to auto adapt to the environment, problem was they have like 10 different environments,Read more…
LESS MIXIN vendor properties
Based on the article from I desided update it, so I’m inluding: “CSS3 perspective”, “CSS3 backface-visiblity” and a “legacy transform” to the mixin.less file. transform property
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
.transform(@arguments) { -webkit-transform: rotateY(@arguments); -moz-transform: rotateY(@arguments); -o-transform: rotateY(@arguments); -ms-transform: @arguments; transform: rotateY(@arguments); -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; -webkit-perspective: 1000; } |
How to use it You can use it as any other LESSRead more…
GPU Hardware-Accelerated CSS LESS-mixin
The hardwareCSSAcceleration (updated: 19/09/2013 ) The use of translate3d pushes CSS animations into GPU acceleration. Even if you are just looking to do a basic 2D translation The WebKit blog describes translate3d as translate3d(x, y, z), translateZ(z) Move the elementRead more…
You may not be ready for this yet, but your kids are gonna love it
The number of devices connected to the web is out of control. Sometimes companies don’t get the real view of the problem: Everything is “connected” or it will be. Everyone gets connected and If you don’t have your website enabledRead more…
Testing the CSS: getComputedStyle
I’m planning to get external fixtures more than inline fixtures, and test it using the getComputedStyle CSS properties values. Can I use: getComputedStyle getComputedStyle capability test TO TEST DEMO Real Responsive Web Design example using getPropertyValue() function getPropertyValue Example:Read more…
SpainJS Conference – JULY 5-6, 2013 MADRID
A SUMMER JAVASCRIPT CONFERENCE Speakers: – Douglas Crockford, Senior JavaScript Architect, – Leo Lanese, @leolaneseltd, – Giorgo Sardo @gisardo, Director in the Technical Evangelism & Development group at Microsoft Corp, – Axel Rauschmayer @rauschma, Specialized in JavaScriptRead more…
A simple fresh reset
A quick Responsive Web Design reset: (updated 18/09/2013) All default HTML elements have a default CSS attributes. Sometimes these attributes cause common problems when creating the site thinking about cross-browser (to visualize “correctly” in all browsers). Sometimes the only solution isRead more…
My notes about @brad_frost workshop: “Reasons to be Responsive”
Reasons to be Responsive LONDON – JUNE 3rd, 2013 A reason to be Responsive is a full-day workshop with Brad Frost (@brad_frost). Brad will take a deep dive into the world of responsive web design, covering broad concepts, strategy designRead more…
Fluid fonts, a pre-prossesor solution
RWD Typography Lasts days I have been working in another interesting Responsive Web Design and Mobile First project where the client required to create a fluid font to auto adapt to the environment, problem was they have like 10Read more…