This “widthDetect” is a very simple but effective js library to @media target your grid design.
It works cross-browser, cross-device, cross-library with a debounce method thats returns a function which wraps your callback, limiting its execution rate to the limit specified in the second argument all in less than 1KB!
DEMO (view the example running)
github (check the code)
What else you need to do:
This is the client side. The server needs to deliver the image depending on the RWD break points, like: [0,250] = 1 image 250px and then use it max-width:100%
I already created several RWD break points, but you should have 2 or 3, like: Small, Medium and Large. Every single breakpoint is going to make a request and also controlled by “debounce” techniques.
How to do it:
SiteCore: (
Sencha: (
Now, you already have the client side done, next step is going to be implement the server side.
Server needs to deliver just the right image, no more no less = “broadband optimise”.
Running server examples:
from BBC Homepage and BBC NEWS
This is free to use. Send me a message at: @leolaneseltd